Haferman Water

Life is Better
with Kinetico Water

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Life is Better

with Kinetico Water

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Category: Drinking Water Systems

What’s the Difference Between Drinking Water Systems and Water Softeners?

We sell and install drinking water systems in Chanhassen and the surrounding areas, and sometimes people are confused about the difference between drinking water systems and water softeners. A common misconception is that these two types of systems are the same, but this is not the case. Here are a few ways drinking water systems and water softeners differ.

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Common Contaminants in Minneapolis Drinking Water

Do you know what’s in your drinking water? The Washingtonian recently asked this question in a very well-written article. The article focuses on the quality of water in and around Washington, D.C., which gets its water from the Potamac River, a surface water source (Minneapolis and St Paul get theirs from another surface source, the Mississippi River). The article noted:

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haferman water conditioning minnesota water quality association
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water quality association