Haferman Water

What’s the Difference Between Drinking Water Systems and Water Softeners?

We sell and install drinking water systems in Chanhassen and the surrounding areas, and sometimes people are confused about the difference between drinking water systems and water softeners. A common misconception is that these two types of systems are the same, but this is not the case. Here are a few ways drinking water systems and water softeners differ.

Drinking water systems are for the water in your home that you and your loved ones drink. These systems help when your drinking water has a funny taste or odor. They work by removing the source of that odd taste by forcing the water through a filter. The filter then gets rid of contaminants that make your drinking water taste and/or smell funny.

Drinking water systems do not use chemicals to remove the odd smell and taste. They simply rely on the filtration system to get rid of the contaminants, and then the contaminants are flushed down the drain. There are several different reasons you should choose a drinking water system for your home. These systems are easy to use and there are plenty of budget-friendly options available. The end result is drinking water that is tasteless and smell-less and has virtually nothing in it besides the water itself.

On the other hand, water softeners are for your working water and water-using appliances: for example, your dishwasher or washing machine. Water softeners get rid of hard water by replacing it with sodium. There are many different advantages to having a water softener installed in your home. You might use less soap and other cleaning products, your dishes won’t have white spots on them after they are run through the dishwasher and you will even notice less soap scum in your bathroom. Also, water softeners can help extend the life of your water-using appliances and plumbing.

In short: drinking water systems are just that – they filter your drinking water so it is more pleasant to consume. Water softeners are for your working water, like washing dishes, and for water-using appliances, like your washing machine. These two types of systems are meant to complement each other and give you and your family drinking water and working water that is odorless and tasteless.

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